
how many boxes does it take to hold my vogue collection?

Its that time of year again!

Time to sort through all of the massive amounts of stuff that have made their homes here with us on Charlton Avenue West for over the past nine months.

Yes folks!
here's the simple math for you:

9 mths of me driving
160km's to work each day
5 days a week
1 car accident
an average portion of my life due to the aprx drive time of 40minutes-3hours
2 nervous breakdowns
mileage of rental car=2weeks/14 days

total: time to leave Hamilton

Its taken me by suprise how good it feels to cleanse and detox your house and move on to another unwritten path.

This new place even has a pool and a grand piano!
Come on, who wouldn't take a pool and a piano over steel?

It just feels good to pull everything off the shelves and ponder over why I purchased all of these odds & ends in the first place? Humans really are just born to work/produce/consume.

again its late, but this is whats been going on:
I have been packing alone as DMC has a trial this week. Its midnight and I haven't heard from him since 5pm. Not sure where he is or what he is up to. Hope bibby didn't drop him in a tub full of gooey cement.
And to make matters more insane: our apartment building told me that the elevators are booked ALL of Wednesday.
So now the movers that we did reserve for Wednesday said they never received our booking and cancelled on us.
So I decided to go for good old U-haul, and now they tell me that we can't have a truck for 2 days in a row as its "busy season", so I am not even sure if we can rearrange to have it just for "one" day which leaves us to Thursday.
John-the-axe-murderer-landlord screamed and argued that we must be out:
"midnight of the 31st--OR ELSE!!!"

--I am dyin to see John on the porch at 11:30, AXE in hand...

Anyway, hope we can just get out of here sooner vs later.
So I will take apart my PC here tonight and she will cry digital tears...

Lola just had her bath! so she is smelling like Lassie shampoo, too bad you can't smell the daisy-fresh scent.

time to go through the stack of mags leftover by DMC for me to "sort".
"SORT!?" -I said? there is no sorting required!

Just use extra tape!


sniffany & co.

how cute is this???


kerr's top 40

Only the finest Malt is allowed down on Charlton ave west

Congratulations on becoming a new lawyer Greg.....you truly are


Jibacoa strapless little number

Its funny how a big Torontonian like me can race around a FANTASTIC country like Cuba in +47 weather heck you can:
-ride a horse
-swim in a cave
-hike through a cave
-snorkel all over the place
-chase hemmingways ghost out of his hotel
and then race back to my hotel and look THIS good...
did I forget to mention that I was also sick for the past 2 days?

At this dinner we gave our waiter a bag of toys for his 2 little girls, he was SO happy.
Beanie Babies are still cool somewhere on this earth at least...


come on england?

Before B&B move across the pond we had the chance to spend some time with Brent at BP'S and had a great trivia match --Shaft was the winner.
Beth was busy trying to deliver a baby!
It will be a very sad good-bye.
But we are not saying goodbye.....just "until we meet again..."
We will miss you both very very much!!!
But we are quite happy that you are getting out of the hammer to do what your hearts are telling you to do:
p&d xoxox


MG =She’s In It For The Money Bootleg


bad boy astor

This is Lola's favorite little man "bad boy astor"....does your pet have a fav little critter?


en route!

A canoe trip around the lake....!
We had no idea what Lola would do once we put her inside the Crowe's giant red canoe,
but she seemed to really enjoy it...!

It was awesome to have her aboard! What a brave little Scottie!
Thank you Dave for being our favourite tourguide too!

Lola the explorer!

A good shot of Lola the explorer on our big August long weekend hike up at the Crowe's nest!
"can I drink this water??? I'm SO thirsty....and its SO cold!!!!!!"

The Crowe's nest 2006

We all had a wonderful time at The Crowe's Nest this August long weekend...!

Such perfect weather this year!!!

Lola loved the canoe trip around the lake...and we all went for a nice refreshing swim!
We had a good hike through the forest along the old logging trails.
After 1 year with us, Lola has become a much more confident rescued dog...we are so proud of how far she has come! She actually led the hike this year! She was SO determined.
Our big dog small pacakge led us even through the small streams...the cold water ran high against her legs & tummy, but she was a brave little scottie and seemed to love the outdoor adventure!

Thank you Lee & Wayne for the warm hospitality -as always!!!
It was great to see you both again...please come visit us in Toronto soon.

Also, the s'mores were awesome!


We love you too Lola!

We were first kind of afraid of you...but we have totally grown to love your
big dog small package style! Happy 1 year livin with us spoiled cats...!
Love always Maui & Guinness xoxox

Lola's 1st full year

Happy birthday Lola, its been 1 year since we rescued you!
We love you and are SO happy that you are part of our team!


The photographer at El Capitolio



This was taken by an old Havana man and his 100 year old portrait camera
on the steps at El Capitolio. This landmark was modeled after its U.S. cousin, the Cuban Capitol is a stunning architectural work of grand scale--it's actually a bit taller and longer than the Washington version. There's not a whole lot to see here, but it's worth climbing the steep steps.

If you look closely at the photo the old man actually did *2* Cuban style cut & paste jobs
in +48 sun in less than 3 minutes...otherwise it would have been just a shot of the giant staircase and us. I also love his accidental thumb print signature at the side!

"super romantico!" he exclaimed over and over the entire time.
"no computer" he said as he pointed to the 100 year old antique with a plastic fixer jug hanging off its side.

All for $1 peso.

Havana Club Rum factory tour

Nothing like a rum museum tour in Havana at 9am!

Shots for everyone!

Make sure that when you open a new bottle...tip the bottle so that it spills the
top inch off on the floor as a sign of respect to all of the slaves that helped build this
Cuban rum empire.