I started this blog back in 2004 when it was a brand new online tool and back in a time when no one seemed to know what having a blog was all about or what to write on one. Now it has become a widely used tool across the world. I actually created mine so that I could keep my family updated with what I was up to across the miles while living in Montreal. It was difficult to get everyone to email and use MSN, so reading a daily blog seemed useful.
I also used to write a lot more creative pieces years ago (along with formal updates)yet hope to start again in the new year.
Its been neglected now over the months due to many more methods of keeping in touch with my people.
There is still MSN which I rarely use now but still find quite gratifying for its instant rapid responses.
And I find that Facebook has pretty much taken the place of MSN. Some people use Facebook for email purposes as well and have eliminated their hotmail accounts in the process (due to their expiration from not using within one full month).
There is also myspace, which I joined a while back. I find it to be a fantastic tool for musicians. It is great for finding new talent and spreading the word on existing favorites. Personally, I hardly know anyone that has joined it besides a few of my online junkie friends who seem to use it more for a site of self expression if anything if they're not musicians at all.
For fun I created a full blown myspace page for Dave's old university band 'Mordecai Lingus' one night.
I had their old cd on iTunes and decided to load some tracks for the hell of it.
He expects a full out cult following.
I will let you know how it does.
Last week I joined Twitter and found it to be an exclusive treat once again like my blog used to be. Only a select few are aware of it and use it daily.
However, do I feel it is necessary to let people know what I am up to 24/7, not really but if the technology is out there, why not. Its also linked to Facebook and for now it seems more exclusive to have Facebook status reports updatead 'via Twitter' or 'twittelator' than simply via Facebook.
Or again are we just the types that like to be the ones in the know?
Not sure. Or are we all just lonely and mad at our pc mac world of non-existent human contact. Whatever happened to the days when coffee shops were filled with laughter, good indie music and not glowing mac books and generic cd's.
Through Twitter I was able to exchange a few words with Matt Good the other night. He let me know what his favorite song of all time was. I found the track and agree. But then I wondered if I still lived in BC would hot coffee be on order and piles of cd's exchanged instead; however hopeful. It was nice to touch base with him and the song is one of the most atmospheric and memorable. There is a long list of my own dreamy favorites, if you want to know any of them please just email me.
As for the classic medium of all time=books. I found an old Camus book I bought in Toronto years ago. Exile and the Kingdom. I haven't read it. So I decided to pick it up last night and try reading more offline. I still find The Stranger is one of my favourite books.
As I write this, strangely I just got an email from an old highschool friend that found me on facebook who now lives in Japan. She added me as a contact on her Flickr account. Which I also belong to.
It is a fantastic site for photosharing and seeing a very visual peak into peoples lives...and what they find beautiful too.
Its almost the end of 2008. My sleep pattern is all off track. Thanks for the great year. Its been a long one.