to this and watch the video's.
See if they make you vomit, cry, or buy fur ever again.
I stumbled across this tonight and I watched in horror of an animal being skinned alive!
Yes the animal was alive during the skinning/removal of it's fur and it's face was fully aware of what had just happened! I am still in shock of this video, I suppose it is truly only the internet that can bring you things that you never could possibly imagine in a lifetime...or imagine what really does go on in our world where we as Humans rule.
I admit I do work in The Fashion industry. But I do not support fur.
However, I once had to work at a company that decided to start making rabbit fur and leather jackets as they barked:
"They will make us MORE cash!!!"
So our quality control man had to visit China once a year to see that the production of goods were running smoothly etc, and he always told me that the worst part of his job was to see the leather tanneries. He just told me that there was so much blood and gore it was unbelieveable. And he also stated that it was truly amazing the entire process right before his eyes. The tanning of hides and the cleaning was so dirty. He went on to tell me how it was also amazing that no one was dropping dead themselves from disease or complete disgust!
Not that some of these workers had a lot of choice in the world's economy of fashion, but they too had a job to do, as did our QC guy from Montreal.
Above all things...including Fashion,
I love animals, and again today I truly wish I would have gone to school to be a Vet instead of an Import Coordinator/Designer. If only I had seen the REAL business while back in highschool when I was blinded by classic 90's Vogue's and Harper's Bazaar. Anyway, I digress of my boring and unglamourous j.Lo fur ridden industry. I hate the use of fur as a pathetic decoration.
A few weeks ago David and I went to The Bata Shoe Museum with his parents that were visiting and there was a First Nations/Aboriginal? (sorry if that isnt the pc name de jour) exhibit showing clothes made of Seal skin, and all sorts of blubber, dried intestines etc.
I was fascinated by how they were able to piece together such creations out of what they had available in -45 weather! and to carve sewing needles out of ivory! amazing artifacts!
I can also say that 100 or more years ago, If I were living in the Arctic regions of Canada; I too would have clubbed a seal to keep warm...and also to feed my children, and or hungry village.
But in 2005, anyone that must club anything to wear with all of the available man-made fabrics on truly out of fashion.
Excerpt from the link below: to ShopLeather alternatives can be found just about anywhere you might shop.
But some places, such as discount shoe and variety stores, offer larger selections.
Designers like Liz Claiborne, Capezio, Sam & Libby, Steve Madden, and
Nike (call 1-800-344-NIKE for a current list of vegan styles) offer an array of nonleather handbags, wallets, and shoes.
For a list of nearly 100 companies that offer nonleather products, order a free copy
of “PETA’s Shopping Guide to Nonleather Products” by mail or by visiting
Shop PETA’s online cruelty-free mall for nonleather clothes, shoes, and accessories at