After touring around LONDON all weekend, David and I drove down to the Quaker town of St. Thomas, Ontario!
This was the most south that I have ever been in all of eastern Canada. Apparently if I were on the west coast I would have hit the tip of northern California.
(or something like that)
Anyway, it was an interesting journey and I quite enjoyed all that we saw.
I loved the old Courthouse and I loved the giant maple trees surrounding it. I also loved the exposed torn brick wall that was previously the vicious jail (!) and ye olde towne hanging square.
I also stumbled across a poor victim that was "kept" in St. Thomas for the-rest-of-history...and that was dearest JUMBO.
We thought that he was a suicidal elephant as he was trapped in the life of being transported on a train state to state, province to province, with a wild circus back in 1885.
I imagined that he was an unhappy elephant and was missing his friends back in Africa from where he was born and hated the inhumane treatment. And besides, really? back in 1885, I am sure that there were wide open plains to stand upon and plenty of places to roam besides a metal train track.
Jumbo got hit by a locomotive by standing on the track (obviously)
Ironcially, St. Thomas is Canada's Locomotive town.
Maybe there were wild engineer's taking engines out for late night dragway fun...(is it possible to RACE trains?)
Maybe Jumbo was tied to the tracks by an evil "wanted" villain in 1885.
All I know is that we had a good time standing with him.
And then there were groups like PETA invented to prevent such animal acts. Thank you PETA.