One bonus of working in The NeedleTrade is that you sometimes end up meeting face-to-face with your overseas makers/contacts.
And NO there aren't ANY sweatshops...that I know of, trust me, from the pictures that I have seen over the years they are sometimes more advanced than us "lazy North American's".
It is quite amazing to finally meet the person that you e-mail daily for months on end.
It is sort of like a long lost pen-pal across the miles..or world.
Or e-pal maybe?
I dream of going overseas to Asia one day and seeing it all.
My friend that I met through work, Elaine lives in Taipei.
She is around the same age as me, and writes to me now on a personal daily basis.
I have long since moved on from the company where we had met, which makes it more of a bonus if anything to have found each others friendship! We both share our love for all things cute, and all things Japanese too, and also anything totally cool.
Today she sent me this link:
As usual, its quite unusual, as she always has unique
across-the-globe things to share with me!
Last week she sent me via SNAIL-MAIL some stickers....yes from Taipei. Do YOU have a friend like her?
didn't think so!
It is amazing how small the world really is at times.
I wish people would stop and really think about that.
Even I wouldn't have imagined that a woman from Taipei shares the same likes and dislikes as a woman from Canada.
would you?
At least Fashion has blessed me with one thing: friendships that never go out of style (sorry that was so cliche!)