Ok, so what if I got a little bit too much rum in my blood before I set out on my wild deep sea Cuban adventure.
This island reminded me of Gilligan's Island.
Yes, really. It was small and quite obscure, and had the odd fat man named Skipper.
No really. It had an old Cuban man in a wet suit, but you get the idea.
Ok so I called it Patti's Island, why not.
Yes, why not?
Ok, it's a great idea. I bet that I could have purchased this place for around 200 bucks, or what have you. And, I AM named Patti in case you didn't understand.
Alright alright, this was in fact Media Luna Island. Sorry to excite you about my purchasing power with my mad Cuban de niro.
Ok, so you could have even called me Ginger on any given day, you know I could have dressed up...for you.
Yes, myself suited up: wig-and-all, and head-to-toe sequins.
I could shake my buxom booty as well, as I know you like the gingered honey.
And YES the silvery glitzy kind.
So I got out to sea and heck, even the mermaid's were jealoius of my Canadian curves...yes "plenty of curves ahead" they said.
But then Dave told them "PIPE DOWN SEA-MONKEY-BITCHES"
he WAS wearing a snorkel at the time so I wasn't sure how they could clearly understand his human babble, anyhow his urgency scared them off.
And off we continued along the coast of Media Luna...that of which is a tiny tiny remote island off the coast of Cayo Guillermo, but no where near the city of Moron. (had to throw that name in here somewhere)
Besides the 1920's crashed ship (see more addt'l photoblog pics) we saw some gorgeously colored fish and also walked on some old wreckage of the old ship. I thought I walked across a huge old gas tank and at any minute it would blow up, just like on Gilligan's Island, where they always seemed to come across old mine's etc underwater and then life would be then shot in rapid-fast-forward motion/film and we would all swim hurriedly back to the shore.
Or who knows, to ruin the above fun, in reality we would have been blown to bikini-bits and then devoured by nearby hungry sharks with cold grey eyes.
Then we went back to Patti's Island and had lunch with Ernesto!
Ok, so WHAT if it was just a portrait of Hemmingway.
It WAS personally signed.
His ghost was there.
Beside me.
And the beer cooler. (see addt'l photoblog shots for it)
Apparently as the Cuban's told me in broken Spanglish: he used to hang out there and was inspired to write THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA. that of which we both re-read...
how perfect with the salty air....and salty fishy cuisine...
The lobster lunch on the island was fantastic, oh and watch out for the coral its sharp! Also watch out for Ernesto...