This artwork was created by Malay Sengvilay. My nearest and dearest Sempai. She is moving to Toronto to go to Ryerson University as she is a Film-Goddess-in-the-making.
I wish her well as she is leaving the evil world of Fashion!!!
I cant wait for her to find happiness!
You know, I thought about my career, and it has been almost 8 long years for me. I don't know if this is my true happiness anymore, does that make me a fashionista currently searching for more passion? or the right Muse perhaps?
I told David last night that in your twenties it was all about yourself. Now as I am carefully nearing my thirties (two years left mind you) I feel that I should be doing more with my life. Such as working with animals, giving out more toys in Cuba...etc. So are your 30's the years of great care for others on this Earth?
Hmm, must be my internal clock. We all want change to our lives. Ah, but that is how everyone I know feels. No one is ever happy. Are you? Malay will move here and be my Sempai-in-crime friend.
Not that we will be creating havoc or such.
But it WOULD be a crime of sorts for us to both in fact try out another Martial Art for the sake of sticking to the karate moto: that "karate-is-for-life", which we totally agree with at this level.
Karate is a religion/cult of sorts, and we say "OSU!" alot.
Besides, her Toronto dojo is quite far, so she wont be able to continue. We can at least go to Karate together and maybe start all over again as white belts this Fall, possibly in Shotokan (utter shock to my internal Kyokushin system)
Brown belt status Aka: SEMPAI status, is hard enough to achieve, but worth ALL of the effort. It is +43 today in Toronto, and really, it is just too hot to train. So I sincerly regret taking summers off, but it is for health reasons, I faint easily!! So my summer consists of sweating-it-out via the pool! vs. full-contact sparring.
See you soon Malay, I am proud of your big move in life! OSU!