We are back in Canada now...just about in 1 piece
despite our jeep pushing the other 4x4 jeep that ran out of gas "the Cuban way"
while we were all driving in the jungle aka: the 'Cuban forest', and then on the provincial highway. We survived swimming & hiking through giant sodium chloride caves,
being tugged underwater by our dive leader hand-in-hand in a sea of a million jellyfish to see everything and also to take pictures with our 'hightech waterproof camera'.
The best part of the dive was seeing a big fish down below hiding inside a pile of rocks and shells and there I was, watching him then get hit on the head by the leader throwing rocks to cover his hole/lookout...and then the fish would push them out of its mini-cave....it was funny.
Then our leader kept throwing them on him....this was kind of insane.
And he joked that he tortures this poor fish everyday.
We loved the trip and met a lot of people.
Despite the short length -altogether it was an amazing trip visiting
the cities of Matanzas, Jibacoa & Havana.
I have to sort through my 1GB of photo's but this shot was a goodie taken in
Havana's biggest city square where Fidel gives his "IMPORTANT" speeches.
I can't believe Dave and I are sporting a smile while standing on a tarmac in aprx +45 humid heat.
As our tour guide said,
"you only live once"
So thank you Guai, for showing us your version and highlights of your special country
frozen in time.