I knew a few guys like this in my high school, they were such "gamers", they sat around on the floor in front of the lockers
playing "D&D" and rolling dice while drinking chocolate milk and Doritos.
The whole long trench coat look I could never understand, and Harley boots.
I watched my classmate transform himself in one semester, from a shy nice plain guy into a trenchcoat/harleyboot guy.
And amazingly his costume worked, and he gained a few friends. He didn't have to eat alone anymore in the cafeteria either.
I thought they looked like losers and their whole dark look was pretty silly.
Once he showed up in an Indiana Jones type hat. But the look didn't catch on in his group. But at least he looked like less of a clone.
Anyway I joked once about another classmate I knew who once was a snowboarder now turned trench coat..
"aren't you a little hot out here in the sun?" I questioned as we walked throughout Elk Island park on an art class excursion
to draw the natural environment. "nope!" he said then turned away and wiped sweat off his brow.
Those guys became so cool that they oozed this new term goth.
It was only 1994, what did I know.