donkey for sale
For starters, today I came across this "DONKEY" pin for sale on ebay.
Really there is pretty much whatever you can think of for sale on ebay...
Ok ok, back to the donkey/horse, we have to give him SOME press.
He is made of real gold and real diamonds.
I bet you want him now don't you?

find the answers for yourself

I have posted all week and so far there has not been a full recovery of
my usual template. This frustrates me again today.
For your reference, the past few "muppet" photos were sent a while back from my brother Mike
-the Uber dad and Uber photog.
blogger.com now shows up in the NEW and the OLD versions during login, yet fails to recognize my passwords on a regular basis as well. Not sure why, but blogger.com is stubborn and is supposed to help me not anger me.
Quick heads-up:
a) Its been snowing all day over here (finally)
b) Lola's ear is quite sore again and to make matters worse, a dog munched it while jumping up all over her while trying to meet her -making her cry for the first time. It was the saddest thing to hear her yelp and howl, she is the toughest dog I have ever had and I have NEVER heard her cry before. She is moping around the house now. I told her that sometimes it hurts to be super friendly.
c) I applied for more interesting positions
d) I baked banana-chocolate chip-peanut butter-muffins from scratch (wicked)
e) I rearranged the upstairs furniture to make it more spacious...and to better organize my magazines in the office!
f) I made Sheppard's pie -in the microwave (took the easy route as at least I baked today!)
g) enjoyed my footbath "bucket" that Santa gave me this year -"totally relaxing bucket"
h) tried to call Dave's parents but they were out at the theatre --maybe tomorrow we can catch them!?!?
i) the list could go on forever regarding countless other random things,
besides what are you curious about?
a) Toronto
b) pblog ramblings
c) fashion
d) photos
e) animal welfare
f) Internet oddities
pblog has faith in you.

Shouldn't your parents be as fashionable as you are?
The Adoption Option

bullfrog power!
What is Bullfrog Power?
Ontario's first 100% green electricity retailer
Clean, reliable electricity from 100% EcoLogoM-certified energy sources
A new way for Ontarians to support renewable electricity rather than coal and nuclear
A 100% Canadian company dedicated to increasing the supply of renewable electricity in Ontario
Why go green?
An easy way to take real action to help improve our air quality and protect our environment
A meaningful way to invest in a better world for our children, our communities and future generations
A practical way to ensure your electricity dollars are supporting green power production instead of coal and nuclear
How does Bullfrog Power work?
You continue to draw your power from Ontario's electricity grid in the same way that you always have
We make sure that the amount of electricity you buy is delivered to Ontario's grid
You don't need any special equipment, setup or wiring
Your electricity supply is just as reliable as ever
Simply sign up and go!
cuba --si?
Yes, things are heating up, *new* environment minister says

Our new hero?
"I mean, I grew up here in Ottawa, lived here my entire life, and I can't remember a winter where I didn't have to use my boots," he told Heather Hiscox of CBC Newsworld. "I left the house without even a winter coat this morning. So that's obviously a huge concern."
Baird, who stressed that he was just 20 hours into the job and still needs to be "briefed up," replaced Rona Ambrose, who had struggled to defend the government's have-it-both-ways stand on the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
"I think [Liberal Leader] Stéphane Dion has clearly said he's very concerned about the issue, but people aren't going to look at what you say. They're going to look at what you do, and the Liberals' record on this is pretty bad."
"It will not be difficult to do more than he did last year. Last year, he cut 90 per cent of the programs for environment and climate change. Last year, he embarrassed the country with his approach regarding Kyoto on the international stage.
Global warming of the natural sort
Here is a great photo to warm up your soul on a January day...
Global warming of the natural sort.
As the west of Canada gets hit by a giant blizzard
(drive carefully everyone including you Rona!)
I sit here and see rain outside my window...
where's the snow?
Global warming? sure.
I miss making giant snowmen with carrot noses and burberry plaid scarves.
Maybe we should ask Rona to make things happen before the 2010 Olympics.
You can try to find info on the environment on her website (that is her job right?)
Never mind I found some of it for you=
How Rona can help you=
a) Navigate their way through federal government services
b) Obtain Canadian flags and pins for travel abroad
c) Receive Congratulatory Certificates from the Prime Minister, Governor-General and Her Majesty the Queen
d) Deal with immigration applications
e) A wide range of other services..........what types of services? where are the strategies for helping the environment?
possibly on the websites "Make a Difference" section we can find some solutions on how to help the environment as an individual....nope.
Aw Come on Rona!
Even CBC's Gill Deacon has a book out with helpful tips on how to go GREEN!
Well, maybe Rona and Steven should pick up a few books here:
At least Tim Horton's wrote me a fine letter regarding their "action plan" and how they were going to make Canada a cleaner happier place to guzzle coffee in. Their mission seemed more believable.
Yet I still see piles of garbage beside my house that they refuse to clean up.
I hate Mississauga. I need to write to the mayor tomorrow.
"Tim Hortons will continue to focus its environmental efforts in four key areas: litter awareness, recycling,composting and packaging."
Bridget Miller
Operations Services Manager
I could post the full letter for you to read, but it stated:
The information contained in this message is confidential and may be legally privileged.
Anyway, thanks to Bridget for giving me a giant letter candy-sprinkled with
good Tim-strategies.
Its more that Rona could do on her personal website!
December 29th 2006 DMC's bday bash at bp's!
The honest lawyer turns...32!
it was a nice crisp sunny day with a bit of snow
made with sweet love --want to be a hooker?

I was watching late night tv and saw a cool segment regarding Whitney Lee and her
Happy 2007
with a mysterious murder mystery party + fodue pots galore!
I ended up being Lady Caroline Mouton ---THE MURDERER!
I had a great time lying my way through the night as a fashionable socialite
with an illegitimate daughter played by Lara.
Dave was an angry calvinist priest and played the part wonderfully...
all those years of hanging out in the anglican cathedral certainly helped.
But he was innocent....
We also found one of granny & grampy's wedding presents=
*1942 champagne glasses!*
We filled the glasses and rang in 2007
in total vintage style!
We also figured out that they make champagne glasses in *flute* form because they sure don't spill as easily!
Matt & Mary had a lot of fun with their paper streamers they brought over...
tossing them about...especially all over me.
Lara stole one of the tiara's and looked grand in it.
Brandt joined Lara and I as we blew our noisemakers in style.
The Beef stock, Oil, Cheese & Chocolate fondue party was a smash!
We also had creme brulee!
Welcome 2007.
The Crowe family Christmas 2006

Dave, Lola and I had a wonderful Christmas holiday this year in Ottawa!
The above photos were taken on Christmas eve before midnight mass
at Aunt Marilyn & Uncle Bob's place.
Dave & I joked about how small his family is vs mine and how easy it was to
get (almost) everyone rounded up for a nice xmas picture!
Happy 2nd Birthday Olivia!
It sure was great to see you over the holidays!!!
Love Auntie Patti & Uncle Davey xoxoxo