with a mysterious murder mystery party + fodue pots galore!
I ended up being Lady Caroline Mouton ---THE MURDERER!
I had a great time lying my way through the night as a fashionable socialite
with an illegitimate daughter played by Lara.
Dave was an angry calvinist priest and played the part wonderfully...
all those years of hanging out in the anglican cathedral certainly helped.
But he was innocent....
We also found one of granny & grampy's wedding presents=
*1942 champagne glasses!*
We filled the glasses and rang in 2007
in total vintage style!
We also figured out that they make champagne glasses in *flute* form because they sure don't spill as easily!
Matt & Mary had a lot of fun with their paper streamers they brought over...
tossing them about...especially all over me.
Lara stole one of the tiara's and looked grand in it.
Brandt joined Lara and I as we blew our noisemakers in style.
The Beef stock, Oil, Cheese & Chocolate fondue party was a smash!
We also had creme brulee!
Welcome 2007.