Its official...
There is a gorgeous ring!
I woke up Saturday morning and Dave said
"pack your bags because I am taking you to
Niagara Falls this weekend!"
I quickly answered with "!?!"
We made it there for the afternoon and checked-in
then caught a hotel shuttle bus
to see the horseshoe falls
It was so beautiful to be there in the winter!
Totally amazing.
The photos we took were incredible
(and I will post them on our Flikr account, not here)
we were so cold but wanted to keep snapping pictures!
The mist from the falls also makes it insanely chilly!
Everything was covered in thick crystal clear ice
and it was so unreal to see
it was like an ice storm hit x 1000!
(oh the poor trees must be hurtin inside!)
We then caught the hotel shuttle back to our room
and I had a tiny snooze under the ultra warm blankets
while Dave left the room and secretly called my Dad!
and also made all of the special arrangements
for the special night.
The falls actually had the colored spotlights shining
on them, which we thought they only did during the summer
so it was even more stunning to see the falls this way.
We went to dinner and there was
Moet champagne waiting for us when we got there on ice.
We always wanted to have dinner beside the falls!!!
Apparently the entire place knew what was going on and left
us quietly alone yet were secretly watching David's every move...
As for the rest of the will just have to ask us
at our winter wedding
:) (: