
and god created...Lola

Lola took over our computer today and made this post
She told me that she wanted her thoughts written our here in full text:
This post is dedicated to my pet-parents,
thank you for loving me as much as you would a less-furry child.
And for finally becoming engaged.
You will be my *official* pet-parents
very soon.
love always Lola xoxoxoxo
PS, there's poop in the hallway ;)
Sneaky lass!
Those are such kind words, aww...
such great thought rages through her mind
must have been her Siamese brother and sister
that put her up to this!
(they are all paws and cant type a single word)
despite her being a furry little creature of the highlands
she has some good things to say
big dog small package, that's her motto.