Not sure what you're listening to these days, Happy 2009, and happy year of the OX.
But I found out last night that Ben Folds is playing in Toronto Feb 17.
But sadly, he's playing at Kool Haus (down in Queens Quay).
Which is a horrible venue.
To me, it resembles a large metal shed.
Or miniature airplane hanger.
Which for music is not the place you want to spend your money.
I once saw Australia's one and only Ben Lee play there alongside Ben folds.
Once they were finished Rufus wainwright headlined the show.
Sound quality was a big let down.
And most people left.
And we had to stand the whole way through on hard concrete.
-talk about getting old hahah.
Even Matt Good plays smaller venues now where you can sit down and watch him instead. He said himself that he was tired of people moshing to his music so he tours alone with only a guitar. At times I wish Ben folds would find smaller venues and do the same. Who is he kidding? I think he is milking the college kid circuit far too long. And his fan base is much larger and cant go smaller.
So we wont be going to see him.
Which sucks as we really love his music and he only plays in Canada every 5 years it seems.
All in all, I'm not on for coffee in February with one of my BC friends that now calls Toronto home.
I was looking forward to Yorkdale mall and Bloor street.
I miss living there.
Ottawa has a little bit of life to it. We try to get out as often as possible. But notice that all of us 30 somethings seem to stay inside and play boardgames or have Wii parties vs hitting the downtown market area. That area is filled with university people and no one above 32. What is a couple to do here in Ottawa? suggestions? Power center shopping, eating at Boston Pizza, hitting starbucks?
I seem almost 100% content mixing my own martinis now.
All this fine china and crystal from our wedding loot must be used accordingly.
Wanna come over to our house in the 'burbs instead?
The time we have spent with our close friends and Dave's parents is invaluable to some storefront eye-candy...or expensive haute cuisine. Mmmmmm fine dining IS missed!
This break is nice. But we will move back one day.
I am a merchandiser and the lack of visual and mental stimulus is killing me slowly.
And Dave is a lawyer and misses going to court and working on Bay Street.
Yet Ottawa is allowing us to breath and learn all about work life balance.
Its highly addictive.
Yet with all the life time, what is there to do in the 'burbs if you cant walk anywhere? Our dog Lola is extra happy here vs living downtown without a backyard. We couldnt take that away from her now could we.
I know, Monopoly anyone?