
ask me for my photo

Apparently there are some that doubt Pblog's capabilities.
Ahem...(shaking head...)

Ladies and Gents, (crack of whip...)

(insert exclamation point)

Let me introduce to you,
that of which is one of many of only the finest postings here for you tonight:
One of Hamilton's greatest works of art entitled purely as=

"the davis"

my Lo

I love my little Lola,
even if she has a Flea or two, or three...

Please dont disturb me...I am trying to get some shut-eye...yes my life is rough...i'm all paws

Like I said, David and I are moving out, and the pets are not helping much!
Lola has caught a few pesky itchy fleas, Guinness insists on drinking beer and Maui wont lift a single paw!

the grass is always greener in a city with industrial pollution

So David and I are currently packing up the house.
Stirring up lots of dust and fleas.

Yes we thought it would be a great idea to try to move again in the dead of winter!

We like to carry heavy heavy boxes and get our annual excerise this way. God knows karate isnt this rough.

do you know how many magazines I own?

Too many.

We are set to move out sometime this weekend...as we get the keys this Friday!

We have decided to call the new place:

The Haunted Mansion.

when all else fails...post a summer photo to warm up your winter spirits!

Pblog was down for a good few days.
Sorry but its true!
I wasn't able to post for you..

Blogger wouldnt let me in!

So I was able to catch up with getting my
xmas cards in order and yes, they are just about finished..so for those of you lucky people out there that will get a fine piece of penmanship, keep your eyes glued to your mailbox.

On, the-other-hand...
I took Lola out for her daily walk and
yes winter is here.

In case you didn't realize this and had to read it here.

yes here.


Chuck Norris

Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead punched his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter he grew a beard. Before email was invented Chuck Norris would attach messages to kittens and roundhouse kick them. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. When Chuck Norris has sex with a man, it is not because he is gay, but because he has run out of women. Chuck Norris does not have AIDS but he gives it to people anyway. Chuck Norris has yet to get a Jeopardy question wrong. Jesus has missed two. Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month. A man once asked Chuck Norris if his real name is "Charles". Chuck Norris did not respond, he simply stared at him until he exploded. Chuck Norris's girlfriend once asked him how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. He then shouted, "HOW DARE YOU RHYME IN THE PRESENCE OF CHUCK NORRIS!" and ripped out her throat. Holding his girlfriend's bloody throat in his hand he bellowed, "Don't fuck with Chuck!" Two years and five months later he realized the irony of this statement and laughed so hard that anyone within a hundred mile radius of the blast went deaf. Chuck Norris recently had the idea to sell his urine as a canned beverage. We know this beverage as Red Bull. The original theme song to the Transformers was actually "Chuck Norris--more than meets the eye, Chuck Norris--robot in disguise," and starred Chuck Norris as a Texas Ranger who defended the earth from drug-dealing Decepticons and could turn into a pick-up. This was far too awesome for a single show, however, so it was divided. To prove it isn't that big of a deal to beat cancer. Chuck Norris smoked 15 cartons of cigarettes a day for 2 years and aquired 7 different kinds of cancer only to rid them from his body by flexing for 30 minutes. Beat that, Lance Armstrong. Chuck Norris was the fourth Wiseman. He brought baby Jesus the gift of "beard". Jesus wore it proudly to his dying day. The other Wisemen, jealous of Jesus' obvious gift favoritism, used their combined influence to have Chuck omitted from the Bible. Shortly after all three died of roundhouse kick related deaths. Chuck Norris can make a woman climax by simply pointing at her and saying "booya". Chuck Norris once shot a German plane down with his finger, by yelling, "Bang!" After much debate, President Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima rather than the alternative of sending Chuck Norris. His reasoning? It was more "humane". If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits. Hellen Keller's favorite color is Chuck Norris. At the end of each week, Chuck Norris murders a dozen white people just to prove he isn't a racist. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs. Chuck Norris took my virginity, and he will sure as hell take yours. If you're thinking to yourself, "That's impossible, I already lost my virginity.", then you are dead wrong, my friend. If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds till." After you ask, "Two seconds to what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face. When Chuck Norris sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has not had to pay taxes ever. Filming on location for Walker: Texas Ranger, Chuck Norris brought a stillborn baby lamb back to life by giving it a prolonged beard rub. Shortly after the farm animal sprang back to life and a crowd had gathered, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked the animal, breaking its neck, to remind the crew once more that Chuck giveth, and the good Chuck, he taketh away. Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did. Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart while she was flying over the Pacific Ocean. Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. There are no disabled people. Only people who have met Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris won 'Jumanji' without ever saying the word. He simply beat the living shit out of everything that was thrown at him, and the game forfeited. Chuck Norris once lined up to kick the winning field goal of a high school football game. When the football went flat, he persuaded the referees to let him kick the field goal with a 3 month old child. Chuck roundhoused kicked the baby 60 yards through the uprights and then proceeded to bang every girl in the stadium. When Chuck Norris plays Oregon Trail his family does not die from cholera or dysentery, but rather roundhouse kicks to the face. He also requires no wagon, since he carries the oxen, axels, and buffalo meat on his back. He always makes it to Oregon before you. Macgyver can build an airplane out of gum and paper clips, but Chuck Norris can kill him and take it. Chuck Norris only masterbates to pictures of Chuck Norris. Scientists used to believe that a diamond was the world's hardest substance. But then they met Chuck Norris, who gave them a roundhouse kick to the face so hard, and with so much heat and pressure that the scientists turned into artificial Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris carries a man bag. If you call it a purse, he pulls a baby out of the bag and throws it at you. The baby will blow up upon impact. God offered Chuck Norris the gift to fly, which he swiftly declined for super strength roundhouse ability. When Chuck Norris's wife burned the turkey one thanksgiving, Chuck said, "don't worry about it honey," and went into his backyard. He came back five minutes later with a live turkey, ate it whole, and when he threw it up a few seconds later it was fully cooked and came with cranberry sauce. When his wife asked him how he had done it, he gave her a roundhouse kick to the face and said, "Never question Chuck Norris." Chuck Norris owns the greatest poker face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 world series of poker despite him holding just a joker, a get out of jail free monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green number 4 card from the game Uno.


xmas trees for everyone!

Unfortunately today, the boreal forest is threatened by unsustainable forest management, wasteful consumption, oil and gas exploration and climate change.
This meaningful gift will help WWF work with government and industry to establish protected areas, work with the forest industry to improve harvesting practices and help them to map and conserve forests of high conservation value.



there's a spaceman in my basement and there's an IV keepin time beside my bed

and a painting of Jesus wandering for a dartboard
you know he's seen you naked a million times
you try but you fail cause you're bad at life
and amputee dancing girls
There's a cartoon killer in my livingroom
cut you open like candy and pull out your little wound
like tv dinners for the third world

ok enough mg remixed here for your pleasure for one night,

sorry not inspired lately...
and shucks.....

why the hell wont the Pblog let me post a photo of my 2nd-favorite-Lawyer named brent?

any day now a new baby boy will be here!

All the best goes out to my coworker
good luck with the (any time now)
birth of your
baby boy (hence the blue sweater)
I will miss you lots!

(& yes this is me at work last week
i wish i had a year off..!)


standing in line to see the show tonight and theres a light on

there are a number of you Pbloggers out there that are new to the whole
"net" blog scene here. So welcome.


Pblog= Welcomes "You"

Pblog embraces your every twitch,
and the very curl of your toe,
the very flick of your wrist (that aches as much as mine)

Are your bones brittle? (again)


There they go, oops.
Just like the wishbone we snapped tonight.

Remain, close to me.



Bette and Meg

those with taste
carry a little scotch in their hand!

and then Lola said: this feels just right!

Lola quickly grew tired of David and I trying to book our xmas flights to Edmonton tonight,
so here she is fast asleep with her bear of the very same size.
She isn't coming home with us so we also have to find her a good doggie spa...
and trust me there are WAY too many of them online to choose from...
So if anyone knows of any good poshy dog spas located in the GTA, send us a line!

nighty night folks....and see you soon E-towners!


again from my friend Elaine in Taipei...
isnt it amazing how you can find friends across the world with the same cute taste!?



meromero park

hey pbloggers,
check out this site:
(of course it is from my friend Elaine in Taipei)
so she gave me my new pet as a gift and his name is MYLO.

He is a strange powder white virtual pet from:
Meromero Park
go sign up for your own and you can even join in the fun with the two of us right now!

well, that is....if you can read japanese...

Now I am supposed to write blogs so that it will equal food for this virtual pet or he will get hungry..oh ohhhh.

so I guess you will be seeing/reading more from me here.


happy halloween....again

martha is my hero


the cats maui

Ok ok,
don't stare at me too too long...
So what if I was stuffed into this shirt by my mom
and I feel like a siamese sausage!
Yes please...feel free to have a laugh with me here, but don't laugh too loud...the other pets will be jealous!
Well ok, I do look divine in a pink hearted screen print don't I?

Sigh...where is my mom?
I want this shirt off...NOW!
I am all paws!


baking with martha

martha do?

you can find it all here baby



a bottle of scotch beside the fireplace

Ok I am coming down with a mid-autumn cold!
Today a stuffy nose and a sore throat!
Tomorrow a handful of tissue...a pocket full of lemony throat drops.
At least at work the tissue boxes are free...which is a treat, but it is 1-ply.
At least the Orange juice is free!

A cold.

So here I am back at home after a neverending day at work.
I should boast here loud and clear:
that I am now going to be a "full-time" member of the H family...
"Look mom, no contract!"
Now it is up to fate? to decide if I will stay on or not...
I haven't given my final choice.

Lets see where WE (David, Maui, Guinness, Lola) can find a place to live first once our lease ends December 1st.

Anyway off to bed early tonight.
I am going to drive David to the GO Train tomorrow!
We have to go early to try to get him on=
TRAIN 48. As if.
That way I can steal the car and take Lola to the office!

I thought I should try to post this photo and see if it works!
impressive folks here you have it= BLOGGER.com
has finally improved its photo posting!
So here is my cure for long BuzzNet headaches.....
well, goodnight and happy blogging....

ps, enjoy the image of Lola's sire and bitch!

Shopping compassionately couldn't be easier


"Man's best friend" killed for fur?


Please contact J.Crew, explaining that you'll be boycotting the chain—and asking all your friends and family to do the same—until it pledges to stop supporting cruelty to animals and adopts a permanent fur-free policy:

Millard S. Drexler, Chair & CEO
J.Crew Group, Inc.
770 BroadwayNew York, NY

style, either you have it or you don't girlfriend!

a great read I found:

Jackie O. did it. Ingrid Bergman did it and Katharine Hepburn probably did it best of all. Chic is all about what is diplomatically discarded but how hard it is to leave behind the looks we love.
Somewhere between 18 and 29 we master the hemline that suits, the eyeliner that flatters and the hairstyle that takes three minutes to fix, then we get comfortable. And dated.

Decade-leaping takes courage and the will to experiment.
Let Paloma Picasso wear the same red lipstick for 30 years; you have other tricks up your sleeve. After you give up a Jennifer Aniston 'flip-do' you can do anything.

'70s WomanDitch:
Henna for the hair. It looks best on teenage Goth girls.Switch: To natural silver, blond highlights or lush auburn. Invest in a colorist.
Ditch: Your college jeans, it's time to hand them down.Switch: To flattering suit pants, stretch cords or velvet capris.
Ditch: Cocoa-colored lipliner with nude gloss, spindly mascara-heavy lashes, heavy tanning.
Switch: Fattening and flattering cherry and berry tones, good powder bronzer, one coat of clear lash mascara.
Ditch: Really huge, really uncomfortable tote bag.
Switch: A pretty city tote that carries the bare basics. You are no longer sleeping in the rain at Woodstock.
Keep: Cowboy boots, carpenter husband, Moroccan djellaba, surfboard, Stones albums, silver and turquoise bracelets, integrity, oatmeal cookie recipes, '40s dresses/Ossie Clark/Zandra Rhodes and Jean Muir.

'80s WomanDitch:
Big hair, hot rollers, hair spray, short 'perky' fringe, curly Melanie Griffith bangs, and shaggy Valerie Bertinelli bangs.
Switch: A soft layered un-do (Meg Ryan/Cate Blanchett-esque), a chignon, or, if addicted to bangs, a blunt bob like Audrey Tatou's in Amelie.
Ditch: Fluffy, embroidered sweaters, leather micro-mini, ankle boots, lace stockings, multiple bracelets (or keep just one and wear it as ironic 'post' statement).
Switch: Your first no-shoulder-pads suit. White for black. An evening dress without any spangles, velvet bits or pie-crust collar.
Ditch: Fur, distressed leather, long 'Edwardian' overcoat for work.
Switch: Cashmere layers. Short Tocca coat. Leather gloves and calf boots only.
Keep: Investment savvy, first Prada backpack, DKNY black bodysuit, gym addiction, Bruce Springsteen albums, cowboy hat, La Perla account, red lipstick, gold bracelet (just one), real diamond earrings, denim jacket(non-embroidered), Walter Steiger, Maud Frizon, Sonia Rykiel, heels, gold hoop earrings. Black Joan Jett-esque eyeliner.

'90s WomanDitch:
Stuff that reminds you of Friends: the Rachel 'do, too many blonde highlights or Phoebe's "jogging style" double-knot pony tail. Extreme push-up bras, jeans with everything, zip-front leather jacket.
Switch: Braids or soft natural curls instead of the scrunchie. A vintage Azzedine Alaia-style leather jacket, a bra that doesn't look hard-wired, mis-matched stripes and dots, a man's silk tie and waist coat.
Ditch: Skinny, skinny eyebrows circa 1991.
Switch: Substantial but sculpted brows, somewhere between Ava Gardner and Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby circa '78.
Ditch: Roll-neck cashmere sweater, JP Tods loafers, skinny pants (Elle Macpherson, supermodel).
Switch: Pleated Hermes scarf, boat-necked cashmere sweater, tuxedo pants, gold tap dancing shoes (Charlotte Gainsbourg, super-rebel)
Ditch: Logo mania, handbag/sunglasses/perfume/magazine addiction, shopping mania, obsession with celebrities' cellulite levels. And, say it loud, banish G-string thongs now!
Switch: To real novels instead of McFiction, French underwear, your own seamstress.
Keep: Yoga classes, natural skin-care, vintage savvy, one logo item (framed), honey-colored fishnets, Manolos (for bridesmaids at your wedding), hats, Laura Mercier make-up brushes,fig-scented candles, handbags (for granddaughters), one G-string (for birthdays and Christmas).



Posted by: pattichiles.
ok folks,
add it up:
1 hott car plus 1 hott chick= global warming


my name is Lola and I am a Scottie Dog

my new Thanksgiving sweater that my new family got me is kinda silly

my hair is becoming silky and long due to my new healthy diet, and mom's constant care! say: do you like my little scottie beard?

woof woof=
Can we go for a walk around town to show me off and then play some football in the park?

woof woof=
I would rather just snuggle and have some treats instead

little angel

This was taken just before Olivia went home, she had to keep fashionably warm in her little knit chapeau...xoxox

The Crowe's

Here is a Thanksgiving photo of David's younger brother Andy, his wife Heather and baby Olivia!
It was great to see them over the holidays in Ottawa and it was super duper great to catch up with that little angel!!!

Guinness in Toronto

Guinness has a wonderful life that he shares with us here in Toronto.
Chock full of chasing plastic mice and taunting his new gal pal Lola.
One of his favorite places to lounge is the giant front window of our house.
He is here now and approves of this photo being posted.
It is in his full likeness.
He also loves piano and the likings of Matt Good. Yet he has not heard David play as of yet...due to the fact that we are without a piano!
But in the near future I will get one. Try sneaking that one home under your coat!


the analysis of luminous phenomena

She ate the last cupcake covered with halo pink sugar cream.
She extended her gloved hand to wipe her cupidbow smile.
She marched to the closet to retrieve her genuine patent leather shoes.
She crossed the laces and tied giant butterfly bows of black silk.
She waited anxiously for her Tiffany blue box.
She sat with the sun pouring down on her and the family Aberdeen.
Pastel wooden stairs are not the most comfortable place to rest when you are anxious for a gift like this!

law of simultaneous contrast

"I have blazed the trail; others will follow" Cezanne said.
It's rare to find painters like the neo-impressionists, who have such a clear idea of what they want; rarely have artists felt so strongly the urge to put their ideas on-paper...or like bloggers on-line?
There were to be no vague perceptions recorded approximately with "random brush strokes", Signac said to sum up. She used to try to blur her eyes in hope that she could catch the sun at the right angle on her plasma monitor...but it was of no use.
Random keystrokes were what overcame that usual 9-to-5 afternoon.
She was working on a spreadsheet.
This was not a canvas. This was not the theatre.
And she was not her mother yawning as she ironed...cursing the wrinkles out from her bedsheets.

The housework had degenerated her and led to vice. However I must point that out.

Neither the tree of knowledge nor the serpent exist in her world.
Something of paradise remains about her, even when she types, even when she puts on her finely stitched satin black dress, or when she has painted her finest art.

All the same, the fevers of passion. They are before us in the state of innocence of a quiet animal life.


Team Fabulous!


Posted by: pattichiles.
My little sister




david and lola

The Crowe's Nest
August 2005

my doggie

my doggie
Posted by: pattichiles.
LOLA and I and the Crowe's nest! August 2005


Posted by: pattichiles.


pt. 1, rubber duck

She thought of how dirty things had become.

She cleaned the metallic sink until the beige powder erased her blood red nailpolish on her tired hand. The bleach probably wasn't good for her red blood either.

But who needs to wear a happy rubber-duck-yellow glove for protection when you lose all of your care-for-the-world anyway?

She cursed and was angry at the lack of shine her kitchen sink had.
It mocked her obsession with cleanliness.
So she took to scrubbing it after a long day at the office.

She thought of how dirty things had become.


Her name was Lola

Our new Scottie dog!


OSU! to the ninja's in NinjaLand

This artwork was created by Malay Sengvilay. My nearest and dearest Sempai. She is moving to Toronto to go to Ryerson University as she is a Film-Goddess-in-the-making.
I wish her well as she is leaving the evil world of Fashion!!!
I cant wait for her to find happiness!
You know, I thought about my career, and it has been almost 8 long years for me. I don't know if this is my true happiness anymore, does that make me a fashionista currently searching for more passion? or the right Muse perhaps?
I told David last night that in your twenties it was all about yourself. Now as I am carefully nearing my thirties (two years left mind you) I feel that I should be doing more with my life. Such as working with animals, giving out more toys in Cuba...etc. So are your 30's the years of great care for others on this Earth?
Hmm, must be my internal clock. We all want change to our lives. Ah, but that is how everyone I know feels. No one is ever happy. Are you? Malay will move here and be my Sempai-in-crime friend.
Not that we will be creating havoc or such.
But it WOULD be a crime of sorts for us to both in fact try out another Martial Art for the sake of sticking to the karate moto: that "karate-is-for-life", which we totally agree with at this level.
Karate is a religion/cult of sorts, and we say "OSU!" alot.
Besides, her Toronto dojo is quite far, so she wont be able to continue. We can at least go to Karate together and maybe start all over again as white belts this Fall, possibly in Shotokan (utter shock to my internal Kyokushin system)
Brown belt status Aka: SEMPAI status, is hard enough to achieve, but worth ALL of the effort. It is +43 today in Toronto, and really, it is just too hot to train. So I sincerly regret taking summers off, but it is for health reasons, I faint easily!! So my summer consists of sweating-it-out via the pool! vs. full-contact sparring.
See you soon Malay, I am proud of your big move in life! OSU!


Uncle Norman's farm!

Here I am with my big brother Mike looking as proud as ever because we just milked some cows in Red Deer at my great uncle's farm! circa:1980


The rest of the cake...

Sorry Guinness...you were just SO tasty...!

We love you Patti xoxoxox

Birthday Girl


David & Patti July 26th 2005


Yes that is a photo of Guinness my cat dressed up as a lawyer wearing David's tab collar....lovely suprise at work!

And Megan made cupcakes too!


need a haircut?

I saw this late one night in Chinatown...so I shot it



cuban postcard

Hola! click on this picture and go see my wonderful photoblog of Cuban photo's...more and more to come...seriously.

Ernesto my seasick hero

Ok, so what if I got a little bit too much rum in my blood before I set out on my wild deep sea Cuban adventure.
This island reminded me of Gilligan's Island.
Yes, really. It was small and quite obscure, and had the odd fat man named Skipper.

No really. It had an old Cuban man in a wet suit, but you get the idea.
Ok so I called it Patti's Island, why not.

Yes, why not?

Ok, it's a great idea. I bet that I could have purchased this place for around 200 bucks, or what have you. And, I AM named Patti in case you didn't understand.

Alright alright, this was in fact Media Luna Island. Sorry to excite you about my purchasing power with my mad Cuban de niro.

Ok, so you could have even called me Ginger on any given day, you know I could have dressed up...for you.
Yes, myself suited up: wig-and-all, and head-to-toe sequins.
I could shake my buxom booty as well, as I know you like the gingered honey.

And YES the silvery glitzy kind.

So I got out to sea and heck, even the mermaid's were jealoius of my Canadian curves...yes "plenty of curves ahead" they said.

But then Dave told them "PIPE DOWN SEA-MONKEY-BITCHES"
he WAS wearing a snorkel at the time so I wasn't sure how they could clearly understand his human babble, anyhow his urgency scared them off.

And off we continued along the coast of Media Luna...that of which is a tiny tiny remote island off the coast of Cayo Guillermo, but no where near the city of Moron. (had to throw that name in here somewhere)

Besides the 1920's crashed ship (see more addt'l photoblog pics) we saw some gorgeously colored fish and also walked on some old wreckage of the old ship. I thought I walked across a huge old gas tank and at any minute it would blow up, just like on Gilligan's Island, where they always seemed to come across old mine's etc underwater and then life would be then shot in rapid-fast-forward motion/film and we would all swim hurriedly back to the shore.

Or who knows, to ruin the above fun, in reality we would have been blown to bikini-bits and then devoured by nearby hungry sharks with cold grey eyes.

Then we went back to Patti's Island and had lunch with Ernesto!

Ok, so WHAT if it was just a portrait of Hemmingway.
It WAS personally signed.

His ghost was there.
Beside me.
And the beer cooler. (see addt'l photoblog shots for it)

Apparently as the Cuban's told me in broken Spanglish: he used to hang out there and was inspired to write THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA. that of which we both re-read...
how perfect with the salty air....and salty fishy cuisine...


The lobster lunch on the island was fantastic, oh and watch out for the coral its sharp! Also watch out for Ernesto...


London 7-7

United Kingdom: Amnesty International condemns bomb attacks in London
7-7, 2005
Amnesty International condemns in the strongest possible terms the multiple bombings that have killed and injured many people in London today.
Deliberately attacking civilians can never be justified.
Targeting people going about their daily business shows complete contempt for the most fundamental principles of humanity. To the extent that these bombings are part of a widespread attack on the civilian population of the United Kingdom in furtherance of an organization's policy, they would constitute a crime against humanity.

Thank you Stephanie and Ben for letting us know that you are safe! xox


Posted by: pattichiles.
a sign of remembrance...to the Cubans


poolside bar

This is the place that serves the best HAM & CHEESE sandwiches in all of Cuba, well ok on the resort anyway! Also, they have pizza available at all hours! The side view is of the main pool..which was inhabited by many UK brits and their topless bits! Lucky Dave!

Patti & David in Cuba

We had a wonderful vacation, it was truly amazing!




kelly & kennedy

As David and I are going to be at the airport this Saturday..


Here is A post ahead of time for my aunt Kelly...(MY #1 BLOG FAN)
it will be her...um...29th? birthday this saturday!



Posted by: pattichiles.

happy birthday sweetiepie! we love you and miss you!


Olivia & David

It was great to finally meet you sweetheart!!!