
E.T. phone home

Thanks Mike for keeping me up to date on all things...Good and Bad, family is funny like that isn't it. I am glad that you and Kelsie had the best birthdays.

I love Jalen. And his immense laughter.


Work was good today. Day one. A perfect mix of graphics and production. NICE.
Will be working with my karate friend Andre, that I used to work with
at R.D. international AND Nicolas, a graphic designer that I used to work late late nights with at the disgusting BUFFALO. Funny how we have all sifted through the best of the worst and ended up together again. I think these were a couple of the best that I have ever worked with. Lets hope for my own sake of sanity that this is a good step, or a sick sign from god that I am doomed to an endless hell for becoming a fashion designer if these two are almost twice my age and still shifting company to company.

Should have been a dead painter:
1.5 million dollars for a 'group of seven' painting today.
Bet when those 7 painters took the venture into the woods around Canada they never
imagined that sum of money would be paid for canvas and oil. Let alone a warm meal at the end of the night.

And last week: 1.1 million dollars for an Emily Carr.

"The world is filled with things that will never make sense. Trying to make so much sense of them will only result in one thing. Spending the rest of your life trying to remember what you were like before any of it mattered." -MG, (Friday, CLUB SODA, Montreal)