

All that do know me well, will know that fire bothers me as my parents house burned up new years day a few years back. Mostly smoke damage though, but nonetheless, everything taken along with my dogs and cats.
Luckily none of us were home. Is that some sort of dumb luck?

I suppose you could say that.

So in turn I admit here to having a bothersome fear of firetrucks and firemen to this day.

Today David and I were about to take the metro to work/trainstation, and my metro station was shut down due to god-knows-what?
But the bus lanes in front were lined with trucks and ambulances.

So we were forced to stand about and waste a lot of time waiting for the piles of emergency crews to solve whatever it was inside so that we could all carry on with our fancy north american lives that we sometimes feel we take for granted.

A lot of firemen rushed past me and I told David that I smelled smoke, he said he didnt notice anything out of the ordinary. Then I realized that it was the firesuits that the men were wearing that struck a nerve and took me back to that horrible night of running through the snow looking for help!

That was a few years ago, and everything is now back into place.

I am quick to say that LEO's have to be drawn to fire as it is our element, and the SUN is my planet. The center of the universe.
What else would be so suiting for the queen of the urban jungle?

But is there a god and a heaven and a hell?
We spoke about getting married in a chruch in-front-of-god vs an island retreat on the beach in-front-of-each-other-and-the-elements.
I am uncertain which is more suiting if I were to take on this deed years from now. What IS god to you? if there is such a thing...
And in the news today: there is an astounding benefit of believing in Hell. I think it keeps a society in place/check. It could be a good thing for this reason, but also a bad reason if it alters the very normalcy of daily living, such as religious extremists down south or around the world and their influence on violence, trade, life itself.
Believe in hell and you'll get rich? Well, that's close too.

"Countries whose citizens believe in hell are not only less corrupt, but also more prosperous. That's the word from economists with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, who were trying to figure out why some nations are so much richer than others.

In addition to looking at productivity and investment factors, they examined some unconventional ideas to explain differences in national prosperity, reports Reuters. It turned out that belief in hell was very telling.

Drawing on the research from several outside economists, the St. Louis Fed studied 35 countries, including the United States, European nations, Japan, India, and Turkey and realized that religion was a powerful economic force. "In countries where large percentages of the population believe in hell, there seems to be less corruption and a higher standard of living," the St. Louis Fed wrote in a recent quarterly review.

In the United States, a whopping 71 percent of the population believes in hell. Perhaps it's no coincidence that it also has the world's highest per capita income.

Don't believe it? Look at Ireland. As Reuters says, the Irish have a healthy fear of the nether world with 53 percent of the population acknowledging hell's existence, and the country is not far behind the United States in terms of income."

Would you have any hope if there were no life after death?
would you feel sadder at funerals? Would you have hope for a sick person? would you bother to feed your family by stealing bread if you didnt feel as if you were on your way to hell for such a crime?

I was once told that I should believe in GOD just in case I make it to the fabled heaven(!) because I could be turned away at the gates for not believing in "him".

Heaven for me, is not gated. And god isnt in a chruch.
And isnt a HE. I believe that there is a force greater than man.
If there is such a thing, cool I can now sleep at night.

I should just slap on a bumper sticker that reads:


email me at: technicolordreamcoat@youreallybelieveallthis?.fu
