My aunt and I thought I should just get all girly and go try on some
frilly glitzy cupcake dresses in the tacky bridal section on Queen street.
frilly glitzy cupcake dresses in the tacky bridal section on Queen street.
We got in a lot of trouble for snapping this photo!
We were pretty much kicked out of the store before I tried on anything!
We were pretty much kicked out of the store before I tried on anything!
But instead to try to make a sale, the girl handed me 2 cupcake Cinderella's
and hovered over me like a mosquito while I was just in my undies!
Also, I cannot believe how difficult it was to get on the pumpkin dress,
I had to "jump" into the dress --believe me it was tough to do even with my long legs!
The bridal assistant was terrified that I had another camera hiding with me inside the change room!
"no photos, no photos please!"
Like we were headin for the hills with these rare made in china designs!
The flourescent tube lighting was TOTALLY flattering as well!
Anyway it was a success to see what silhouettes I look good in at least...
That was my mission.
And it was amazing to find out that for $1900 you can get a big pile of crap!
I think it will take me a long time to find
I think it will take me a long time to find
"the one"
Seen anything on EBAY? let me know.