
king kong arrives at the CN Tower

Thought we were being funny or something.
I haven't been to the tower in over ten years and at that time it was a whopping $12!
This time it was $27!
Plus $9 to go to the sky-pod.
I couldn't believe all of the security checks we went through to get up there.
Thanks 911!
We then thought about the airport being somewhat inadequate for not having the same nifty machine that blew air on us checking for bombs etc but they do have a designated swab lady.
They also casually took our photo prior to entering against a green screen
--yet it was totally for security purposes.
They then turned our candid mug shot over to a photoshop expert
who puts in a slick CN Tower background
for a cool $25 upon exit.
At least the sidewalk sausages don't cost $27!
Did you know that there is enough cement used in the CN Tower to build a sidewalk stretching from Toronto to Kingston?
Man is quite stupid in my books.
But not as stupid as the guy that holds a world record for hauling misc appliances
up the stairs!
Or the stunt man that threw himself down the stairs
"on purpose"