Dear Classifieds Manager/Editor of FACEBOOK,
I am writing with regard to the "free to a good home" advertisements that appear in the classifieds section of the MARKETPLACE.As you may be aware, animals given away for free can, and unfortunately often do, meet gruesome fates.
They can end up in the hands of animal abusers like Barry Herbeck, a Wisconsin man who was convicted of torturing and killing animals he obtained through "free to a good home" ads.
He confessed to taking his kids with him when responding to the ads so that people would be comfortable turning animals over to him.
People known as "bunchers," who obtain animals illegally from random sources to sell to research facilities for profit, often acquire animals by answering "free to a good home" ads.
People known as "bunchers," who obtain animals illegally from random sources to sell to research facilities for profit, often acquire animals by answering "free to a good home" ads.
Small animals advertised as "free to a good home" are sometimes acquired by individuals who intend to use them as bait in training other animals to fight. Gerbils, hamsters, and young kittens are often acquired to be used as snake food.
Animal protection organizations all over the United States and Canada work diligently to educate people about the proper procedure for placing animals and frequently assist people in finding good homes for their animals. I have contacted individuals who placed "free to a good home" advertisements on FACEBOOK to alert them to the potential perils for their animals and have in the past received appreciative calls/e-mails from people who say they never knew that these dangers existed.
FACEBOOK could do its readers and the animals a great service, while setting a very progressive example, by printing a brief warning at the top of the pets section about giving animals away for free.
Readers should contact their local Humane Society for further help with surrendering their pets.
For example,
The Toronto Humane Society supports members of the community who can no longer care for their pets and must surrender them. However, they ask the public to help manage their admissions by giving as much lead time as possible.
If you need to surrender a pet (within Toronto) call 416-392-2273 ext. 2146 to make an appointment.
For example,
The Toronto Humane Society supports members of the community who can no longer care for their pets and must surrender them. However, they ask the public to help manage their admissions by giving as much lead time as possible.
If you need to surrender a pet (within Toronto) call 416-392-2273 ext. 2146 to make an appointment.
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