Well I've heard a few requests for more pblog "updates".
So here is one for you. Even though this was meant to be a place for my friends and families that are living
in more distant places such as Edmonton etc. Not for my friends that actually SEE me in the flesh.
Those are the luckier of the sort.
I have also heard that the pblog is to some, a sort of morning ritual.
So thank you for this. I was also told that if I were to post more the readership would return.
Yet I believe that everyone is busy with their facebook accounts and fail to find the time to read blogs anymore.
A Blog, that's so 2004.
I've lived in a quite a few cities to date. Now its time to get moving into the next.
So what if I am taking a break from the dust and cat & dog fur that's flying all over the house as we speak.
I think I have developed some mild dust allergies.
I guess because its my 30th birthday next month its already bringing me lots of good fruitful age-related surprises.
Thanks for that.
I am happy packing up stuff and getting rid of all the garbage that seems to follow us around house-to-house.
Its good to cleanse the house. Get rid of far too many greeting card collections. Odds-N-ends regarding my closet.
Such as my VANS.
Yes I am going to donate that little bit of what was once such a big part of my exterior coolness in the past.
I couldn't donate my collection of concert t-shirts though. Its a real struggle to part with it. I stacked it up to be as high as my knee, then the rest just had to go. I really "edited" it down.
I know that I never wear any of them anymore, not even to bed.
I do not however own the above: "Jails Hot!".
Sorry folks.
As per Ottawa, Dave and I found a nice old 1900's Victorian "row house" as they call it.
My mom says that "row house" sounds very ghetto and I am not supposed to use the term.
I will miss hearing the roars of children 9 floors down below at the school across the dirt path of which, is soon to be a grand new road. And I will miss that fresh ooze of fresh greasy hot tar when it hits +40 some time soon.....Mmmm. Gotta love Mississauga.
I will not miss the 403, or Hurontario traffic.
I will miss the Mississauga city hall fountain that Lola and I walked to.
I will also miss our sister city Kariya Park, and the ducks and its own zen garden with little pebbles raked daily. That's about it.
Oh, and I will also try to forget why it was that we moved here in the first place.
Down below in the open field, no one ever came to clean up the Tim Horton's garbage that I complained about either earlier this year.
There's no reward with complaint. In 2007, no one cares about anything or anyone, or even the state of the environment. I really feel upset about all of this. But what am I to do? put my head back into the sand and keep consuming.
So I had enough of my boycott and went to buy us lunch as I wanted to see who was working there and what this ignorance looked like. I arrived bitter as ever for my sudden hunger.
A bunch of students frantic as ever were microwaving bacon and spilling coffee on the floor was what I saw.
A young woman with a khaki colored hiijab then asked me for my order, and I felt guilty as I asked for a traditional summer Turkey-BLT. She snickered at my reply. I felt bad for not being a vegetarian like I said I would this year. I then went on to purchase soup and coffee. And as my bonus to the combo, I even got a choice of doughnut. How filthy of me.
"Vanilla dip, please"
Ok, off to Ottawa it is. I promise to start-up my creative writing again.
Time to get back to my packing up.
M-GOOD news,
For those that didnt know already, Matt Good is streaming his new cd that comes out July 31st.
iTunes has it streaming, its fantastic.
It will just be hard not to be connected to the internet while we move to hear it this week.
Trust me it will be a fast PC hook-up!
Cheers to you and yours, and Happy Canada Day!