The weekend was good. No shit.
Saphire Gin and Wine, certainly a fine combination, that too mixed with great company. What else can get any better than that?
Walking on the moon, swingin on a star?
Also, The Cure just put out a new cd, so much to my horror I found it quite dull compared to their past twenty years of happy-go-lucky vs happy-go-sad melodies.
I cant believe they are touring again. I guess they are following the likes of Celine Dion and her marketing strategies of "LAST TOUR EVER" events held a few years back, selling out 5 back to back montreal concerts. Wallets are gullable.
I also bought a brightly colored orange Talking Wrist-Watch,
I press the button and it tells ME the time, gone are the days when looking at your watch seemed like a chore. Designed in Japan, made in china= $25. Money well spent indeed.
I wish my grandpa a happy 70th birthday today along with my parents' 30th wedding anniversary. WOW Who would've thought?
I also found it quite funny today on the morning news:
"PART OF THE WEST EDMONTON MALL'S ROOF HAS COLLAPSED DUE TO SEVERE RAIN/HAIL!" Funny how famous that eyesore really is across Canada and in Quebec. Who cares about the people such as my grandparents that were flooded out, but dang! that mall sure is somethin of concern y'all shoppers!
Provincial media is funny at times:
I mean, my dad tells me about how scary the Hells Angels must be all over town/province and that I should be on the lookout for anything crazy or violent! I havent heard a thing here. Thats the good ole media for ya. Yet all I hear about is a honky stampede.
enjoy the flapjacks!