Just got a message from Tangie my belovedly cool sister-in-law,
that their new baby Kennedy has a dimple.
Now if anyone else in my family can top the 1..2...and yes 3 that I have, well then thats just pure perfection i'm telling you.
My brother and sister have them as well, but my parents do not.
We are all from a flock of storks didnt you know. Or Ricardo the dancer, as my mom was a showgirl back in the 70's.
An old chinese man once told me that to even have one dimple is just a super lucky thing. So with three you think I would have hit the multi-million dollar jackpot by now and be driving city to city in my very own circus tour starring the infamous carnies themselves:
Louis, Larry, Quincy, Knuckles O'callahaghn and
Maclean The-Albino-Scottish-Dancing-Bear.
However, there IS still time.
Or if you never hear about the above mentioned bear maybe I got distracted training my 70 heroine-addicted clowns to get into a VW painted like Herby-The-Love-Bug.
And well possibly you may never hear from me again.
Maybe in fact you are indeed the lucky one.
And possibly, with that loot, I COULD then buy Alberta and rename it PATTATISTA.
Dreaming of Knuckles and Louis and their poodle act as we speak, I am now researching mid-sized purebred dogs to suggest for Dave to get for his parents since he asked me. As his mom ran-over Mr.E.
I can't wait to have a big enough backyard to get my Airedale Terrier. The Siamese cat's are covered. Now I just need the yard.
Verdun just isnt cutting it. There isnt enough room to train the clowns.
As fate would have it, I just got a call from Concordia University telling me that I MADE the summer semester class. So that is one class closer to my dream.
FYI: 61% of Canadians voted last night. I wonder what would have happened if it were in fact legally mandatory to vote such as in Australia. I liked questioning my friends as to their choice. Made them give me three reasons why.
It was entertaining here are some of the responses:
1) I like the idea of the death penalty. (From my brother!)
2) I like the PC's! (Progressive who?)
3) Who is Martin?
4) I like missile defence!
5) There is an election?
*Gerry, enjoy your and Matt Good's birthday bash in Banff. Tell him to come back to Montreal if you get the drunken chance.
Enjoy the sun comrades.